Become a member

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The civil rights movement MASS-VOLL! is fully supported by people of all religions, skin colors, professions, genders and ages.

MASS-VOLL! is open to all people who are committed to the constitutional, inalienable basic rights. Natural and legal persons who support the purpose of the association can become members. We are guided by the values of our charter.

Become a member too and fight for a free society where no one is discriminated against!

Membership application

New members automatically receive the newsletter. If you do not want this, you can unsubscribe after receiving it for the first time.

Annual membership fee
The annual membership fee is CHF 10 for under 18 year olds, CHF 20 for 18-35 year olds, CHF 50 for over 35 year olds, CHF 0 for IV pensioners and ALV and AHV recipients and at least CHF 500 for patron members.
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I would like to be added to the Threema chats and have the time and inclination to attend events several times a month.
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