
Official bulletins from MASS-VOLL!

Since the beginning of 2020, measures with serious consequences for the population have been introduced on an almost weekly basis, without any available scientific evidence (sources, studies, etc.).

Isolation and quarantine orders are issued solely on the basis of a positive PCR test, which is not subject to any regulated guideline throughout Switzerland (Ct value upper limit, measured gene sequences) and thus does not allow for a uniform statistical evaluation of the effective case numbers throughout Switzerland. The CDC (Q1) has not extended the emergency approval for the PCR test and has been recommending that laboratories use tests that can distinguish between influenza and SARS-CoV-2 viruses since 21.7.21.

For us, questions now arise such as: Can the Federal Council scientifically prove,

  • whether a PCR test can detect an infection?
  • whether the PCR tests used actually detect only the SARS-CoV2 viruses (Q1) ?
  • at what Ct value are high “false positive” results achieved and the viral load no longer allows transmission?
  • whether the PCR tests used may be used for diagnostics?
  • etc.

With 10 million participants, a study (Q2) proved that asymptomatic transmission of the virus is almost impossible. This study has not been presented to the population until today. Was this study at least taken into account when the decision to make masks compulsory was made? Do the masks prevent the transmission of viruses? Wearing masks creates dangerous fungal/mould cultures (Q3) and the upper limit of the permitted CO2 pollution of 2,000ppm is greatly exceeded with measured 14,000ppm (Q3). How much psychological and physical damage is caused by the obligation to wear masks?

The Federal Council also cites the possible overloading of the healthcare system as an argument for maintaining the measures. However, since April 2020, IPS beds have been systematically reduced (Q4) and hospitals closed:
17.4.2020: 1,510 IPS beds, of which 744 free, 9.9.2021: 853 IPS beds, of which 175 free (Q4).

Many questions that concern us and for which we are not provided with answers in the media, on the official websites of the authority and at the press conferences.

Our bulletins address topic-specific findings and are sent to various government institutions (Federal Council, FOPH and Swissmedic), politicians and the media. They contain scientific information and refer to official statistics, studies and statements by renowned scientists and physicians worldwide.

In the bulletins published here, comments are added if made. If statements again raise questions, written queries are planned or have already been resubmitted, which we will then also publish here.

Source reference:

  1. CDC’s Laboratory Outreach Communication System (LOCS)
  2. Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly ten million residents of Wuhan, China
  3. Experimental Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Content in Inhaled Air With or Without Face Masks in Healthy Children
  4. Covid-⁠19 Schweiz- Informationen zur aktuellen Lage, Stand 18. Juli 2023

*Access to the sources according to the source references is subject to change. There is no guarantee that sources will be accessible at the time of review.

Bulletin – 01-05.21
Vaccination possibility of increased risk of breast cancer

Bulletin – 02-05A.21
PCR Test General information

Bulletin – 02-05D.21
Vaccination – Vaccination approval Pfizer/BioNTech

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